PRP and Your Skin: What You Need to Know

PRP TreatmentsIt’s always been said that no time machine exists to restore youthful skin, but PRP offers the next best thing. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has the ability to naturally promote collagen growth and tissue regeneration, making it the ultimate skincare treatment for a wide range of skin needs and conditions. What should you know about this ground-breaking cosmetic treatment?

How Does PRP Work?

Platelet-rich plasma is gathered when your blood is placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the rest of the blood. This extremely high concentration of platelets is then injected back into the body at the site that needs to heal. Platelets contain proteins called growth factors, which stimulate repair and regeneration at the site of an injury.

Reduce Fine Lines and Wrinkles

When injected into the face, PRP acts like a matrix to encourage the production of new collagen. Collagen is the key to your skin’s youth and elasticity, but the skin loses natural collagen every year. PRP stops collagen loss by triggering the production of new collagen. This makes it possible for wrinkles and fine lines to disappear as the skin regenerates naturally.

Minimize Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are caused by rapidly gaining or losing weight, pregnancy, and generally weak elastic fibers in the skin. PRP blended with microneedling can fix this by creating controlled injuries along the stretch marks before injecting PRP. These controlled injuries don’t hurt or cause trauma, but they do  trigger a healing response in the inner dermis. New collagen helps fresh skin cells replace the dead and injured skin cells that led to stretch marks. Overall, PRP reduces the size and appearance of stretch marks.

Revitalize Neck and Chest

All of the above is also true for the chest and neck, which are often ignored due to so much focus on the face. The truth is, your chest and neck might show your age even before your face does, because they are two areas of the body that receive less TLC. All it takes is a PRP treatment to help those neck and chest wrinkles, discoloration, and creases disappear.

A Place For Wellness offers safe and natural PRP treatments to help you embrace healthier, more vibrant skin. Call (727) 328-4206 today to schedule your PRP skin treatment at A Place For Wellness in Seminole, Florida.