Mona Lisa Touch

If you only use movies and television shows as your frame of reference, you might think that sex is always supposed to feel incredible, easy, and rewarding, regardless of your age or physical state. However, that is a dangerous myth that leaves many women feeling self-conscious about their own significant vaginal discomfort.

If you experience dryness, burning, urinary incontinence, and other factor related to vaginal discomfort, you are not alone! More than 75 percent of women report that vaginal atrophy has negatively impacted their lives. Thanks to the Mona Lisa Touch, all of those women finally have a simple and powerful way to treat the painful symptoms of menopause and vaginal atrophy.

Signs of Vaginal Atrophy

A woman’s body undergoes enormous changes throughout her life, especially during and after pregnancy and menopause. This leads to atrophic vaginitis, a lack of nourishment and hydration in the vaginal cells.

Atrophic vaginitis is most commonly associated with a drop in estrogen levels due to menopause. It has the potential to diminish sexual enjoyment and self esteem by making the vaginal issue delicate, sensitive, and exposed to trauma. Common symptoms include:

  • Vaginal dryness, burning, or pain during intercourse
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Embarrassment and anxiety about your condition

MonaLisa Touch Laser Therapy Combats Vaginal Atrophy

Though vaginal atrophy is brought on by common life events like having children and reaching menopause, it is not a life sentence. The MonaLisa Touch is a unique fractional CO2 laser created specifically to heal the damage caused by vaginal atrophy and restore function to the vagina. It delivers by reactivating the production of new collagen in vaginal tissue.  

This quickly, safely, and painlessly minimizes painful symptoms and enhances vaginal health over a series of treatments. According to clinical trials, after just three MonaLisa Touch treatments, patients enjoyed an average of 84 percent burning relief, 85 percent itching relief, and 90 percent improvement in vaginal laxity.

If you are ready to escape your painful symptoms, restore youthful tone and elasticity to your vaginal area, and enhance the quality of your life and personal relationships, call (727) 362-7477 for your private consultation with Dr. Delia Delgado, M.D. at A Place For Wellness.