How Soon Will I Feel The Effects of a Hormone Treatment?

Hormones are the body’s chemical messengers. They play a central role in many aspects of your overall health, including energy levels, mood, growth, reproductive function, and more. Unfortunately, when hormone production decreases with age, many people start to experience a decreased sense of wellness and vitality. 

We’re pleased to offer BioTE bio-identical hormone therapy to help our patients regain hormonal balance. If you’re considering this popular treatment to enhance your health and quality of life, you may be wondering how long you’ll need to wait for it to take effect. 

In this article, we’ll discuss what you can expect from this hormone treatment, including when you’ll likely feel its effects. 

How Long Do Hormone Treatments Take to Work?

Hormone treatment with BioTE pellet therapy will begin to work within just one to three days. In this early period, you may begin to feel the treatment’s effects with a small improvement in your symptoms. This effect will become more noticeable over the next two to four weeks. In this period, many patients notice an improvement in their mood, energy levels, cognitive function, libido, and stamina. 

The maximum effect from BioTE hormone therapy generally occurs three months after the pellet is administered. Women need a new pellet every three to five months, while men need a new pellet every four to six months. 

Of course, everyone has a unique body chemistry and absorbs BioTE hormone pellets at different rates. So, the period at which you start to notice the treatment’s effects can vary from patient to patient. One of the skilled members of our team will continually monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed to ensure that the desired result is achieved.  

If you’re interested in BioTe hormone replacement therapy to regain balance and vitality, request a consultation at A Place For Wellness today!