How Long Do PRP Injections Last?

Skin rejuvenation has become a popular practice in the modern era, with countless treatments available on the market. Of these therapies, PRP injections are one of the most effective non-surgical ways to rejuvenate your skin. 

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy harnesses the body’s self-healing abilities to produce smoother, healthier skin. The science is simple. A professional draws a vial of your blood from your arm, which is then centrifuged. The process leaves behind a collection of platelet-rich plasma that’s rich in growth factors.

The regenerative serum produced by the process is carefully injected into specific areas in the patient’s face to encourage the growth of healthy epidermal cells. Epidermal cells are located on the skin’s outermost surface and contribute to your skin’s bright, smooth appearance. 

It’s normal for patients to experience a mild discomfort and bruising after the procedure. These symptoms typically resolve within a week. 

The Longevity of PRP Injections

PRP injections produce predictable results, but the longevity of its effects can vary from person to person. In general, your skin will continue to have a fresh, healthy glow for a period of six to twelve months. 

Some patients choose to have a series of up to three treatments to produce their desired results. The results of PRP injections usually begin to appear weeks to months after treatment. During this period, the skin produces more collagen that aids the regenerative process. 

The benefits of PRP injections for the skin include:

  • Improved skin texture and tone
  • Enhanced collagen production
  • Fewer wrinkles
  • Tighter skin
  • Better moisture retention

Your skin speaks volumes about your general health and shouldn’t be neglected. If you’d like to rejuvenate your skin, our experts at A Place For Wellness are here to help. We’ve mastered the art of PRP therapy and can jumpstart your journey to healthier skin. Contact us to schedule an appointment.